Well, I think I'll try blogging again. Lots of stuff going on like trying to survive the economy, Kelly (my stepdaughter) and Bob getting married this weekend (3-28-2009) and trying to get over this nasty cold. I'm just about over the cold; surfing and windsurfing in the cold ocean hasn't helped much. But then again, when the surf is up or the wind is howling, who cares. Finally bought a new wetsuit. My 3-2 wetsuit was seven years old and full of holes and rips. Probably how I got my cold. Sunday the winds came full force to SoCal so my new 4-3 wetsuit came in handy.

The iWindsurf website was down Sunday but the wind was obviously blowing somewhere in the 25-35 MPH range. I rigged for a typical Seal Beach session, in other words a slightly larger sail size for when the wind dies. So I rigged my 5.4, still considered a small sail for someone my size sailing at Seal Beach. I think I was overpowered almost immediately but still managed to stay out 1-1/2 hours. The biggest problem was my 95L board. I really needed my 83L wave board but it was safely stored in a van parked in a meadow about 2500 miles away. Unfortunately the waves were virtually non-existent on a day that Seal Beach actually had side-shore winds. The fact that there were 4-5 foot waves predicted for Monday made things worse. Monday the winds went down considerably but at least the waves returned. Back to sailing my 6.7 in side-onshore winds.

More photos at on the http://www.tmmaui.com/ website.